Edible Candy Art

Sandy candy, edible sand art, pucker powder – whatever you know it as, it’s delicious, face-making sour goodness in a straw!

Select from 6 flavors of candy powder in a variety of flavors and levels of sour and sweet. Design a great-looking straw full of powder, then enjoy eating it!

Pucker Powder is a fabulous add-on to any of our events and needs very little oversight. Set us up nearby with the other attractions we’re providing and we can easily change out empty bottles without having to provide additional staff.

NOTE: Pucker Powder is only available as an add-on item. It is not available as a stand-alone event.

Pairs great with Mini GolfBig Red Chair, any of our Fun Fotos To Go attractions, Cannonball Air Blaster, and even our Game Shows.

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