One name to cover them all…
You may notice that we have a new “To Go Events” identity. We remain Game Shows To Go, Fun Fotos To Go, Race Cars To Go and Mini Golf To Go (with more coming). We are just consolidating all of these under the banner of To Go Events to make it easier for paperwork etc. We’re still the same awesome people doing the same awesome events.
All of our products are “To Go” and we like the idea of FAMILY as we consider ourselves all to be family, not just coworkers. And we consider YOU to be a part of that family too. So welcome to the To Go Events Family.
Holiday Hype
The holiday season is coming up upon us quickly and we are incredibly excited to see our friends who just so happen to be our clients. We have a few holiday themed FunFoto options including a Human Snow Globe, ornaments, and snow globes, as well as an infinite number of options we can do with our green screen.
This is also the 8th year we are starting the contests of the New Mexico Bowl for ESPN. We pit the contesting football teams against each other in our Survey Says game, getting the battle started before the football game begins.
While we are pretty busy in December – we still do have a couple of openings since we’ve expanded our crew and can now do more events than ever. Give us a call and let’s see what we can do for YOU.
Recent Events
This Fall we have been busy traveling around the country doing what we do best. Entertaining!
The University of Delaware had us out to their campus four times this fall with our Game Shows To Go. The first night we put a show on for them was also a big night for company. We did a company record of three game shows in three states that night. C.J. performed our In It To Win It show for North Dakota State University, Gus and Reid did Survey Says in Delaware, and James and Shannon were at Dallas Baptist University performing Survey Says as well. Our little family has grown and it allows us to serve more of you at once!
To Go Events also been to a couple college conventions where we get the luxury of seeing a high density of all the people we love to see! First Kim and C.J. made their way to APCA in Dallas at the beginning October where they had a lovely time seeing our college friends and those who we work beside frequently at events. Later in the month we all made it to NACA Central where we had so much fun we did not even know it was work! Handing out free stuff is a lot of fun, so be sure to look for us at conventions.
Gus and James also did a first for the company while up in Minnesota performing for General Mills. They hosted a show that had contestants that participated locally, but also from Britain, and India with this great thing called the internet! Naturally our rock star team crushed it even at 9:00 o’clock in the morning. Here’s a picture of the Standing Ovation they got!

Recently Kim and C.J. had a string of Foto gigs in Tennessee for Roane State Community College. They enjoyed the lovely Tennessee landscape while Roane State CC students enjoyed getting custom made phone cases. That’s what we call a win win!
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Meet our newest team member – Reid Lunemann
Since May of 2016 we’ve been working with Reid. He’s now a regular part of the team. You’ll see him at events, talk with him in the office, maybe even get e-mails from him. You’ll like him a lot or we wouldn’t have included him as a part of the family.
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To Go Events provides these amazing services:
FunFotosToGo – Novelty Photos against a green screen then fully customized; plus Human Snow Globe, Big Chair Photos, Old West Photos, Super Hero Photos, Harry Potter Photos and lots more! We also create custom novelties such as Street Signs, License Plates, Cell Phone Cases, Photo Mugs, and dozens of other great novelties.
MiniGolfToGo – We have a full featured, 9 hole, indoor or outdoor, portable mini golf course that we set up at your event. Pair it with our “Big Red Chair” photos for a really special event.
RaceCarsToGo – We now have our own mini NASCAR track and RC cars we can bring to you. With steering columns, a banked track, lap counters, and more speed than you can imagine you will feel like a legend as you defeat your friends and colleagues at your next event!
GameShowsToGo – Of course – this is where we started – we provide the very best mobile Game Show experience in the business.
Comedy Hypnosis Shows – Our founder CJ Johnson started as a hypnotist and still performs that show regularly. Ask many of the top hypnotists in the world who it is that THEY RESPECT and you’ll get CJ’s name at the top of a very short list. His show is one of the very best in the business.
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Thanks to everyone who has brought us to their events since our last newsletter. If that was you personally. Then thanks.
We’d also like to thank you for your past interest or business. You’re getting this newsletter because you’ve done business with us, or have filled out an information request form on our website at some point in time. If you’d prefer not to get them, unsubscribe information is at the bottom of the page.
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Pro Travel Tip:
Sign up for the rental car company’s “Perks” program before leaving on your trip. It is almost always free and you will get to jump straight to the front of the line when you arrive. You will feel like the superstar that you are.
Social Media
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Contact Us
Phone: 512-431-9579
Toll Free: 800-462-4424
web: or
Upcoming Events
We’ve got shows coming up for these events:
- Company meetings
- Black History Month
- Holiday Parties
- Retirement Events
- Product Kick Offs
- Graduation Events
- Welcome Back
- Conventions
- Distracted Driving Campaigns
- Alcohol Awareness
- College Programming
Did You Know…
We have multiple sets, hosts and technicians and can do as many as four productions in one day, depending on production level.
We have many levels of production and pricing.
We have universal pricing for all of our shows so price is never a concern – choose the show you like best and go with that.