New Game Show Launch – Game Show Medley

From the Game Shows To Go Team, APCA’s (College Market) “Game Show of the Year” creators we are proud to announce a new show “Game Show Medley”.
Game Show Medley isn’t just one game…
As the name would suggest it’s a Medley of Game Shows. A mix tape of Game Shows. A variety show of games. It’s fun.
They laughed when we suggested a medley, but their laughter turned to applause when we made it happen.
Our 20 years of experience in the game show production business and 35 years in the entertainment business shine through in this collection of games. The idea for this game has been churning around in our heads for over 10 years, but we just couldn’t visualize how to run the game smoothly and without a lot of dead air time between the dozen or so games that we’d be playing.
Then a combination of technologies and inspiration hit – and we had a solution. Part of the solution means that our host can seamlessly run the entire show from stage, with only one game ever requiring him to put his face into the laptop that runs the almost 20 different pieces of software that make the game happen. Oh yeah, we’re working on a solution for that one time too!
But enough about how awesome we are in solving problems – problems that you, the customer, would never have seen in the first place – except in having to pay for an extra person to be at every event to push buttons (an option that is still available if you want) – This show is fun, fast-paced and way smoother than it has any right to be. This means we can play shorter versions of many of our shows such as Fast Action Trivia, Survey Says, Majority Rules, and All Play Trivia – as well as other games selected just for this show.
The show is divided into three or four rounds (depending on how we’re doing on our time constraints). The first game of each round involves everyone. A group of the top scorers for each round then participate in a new game, but this time from on the stage and as a team. The winning team all then gets a prize and they they compete in a third game that will eliminate all but one of them and that person will get a larger prize! Then repeat this process with all different games. It maintains the successful format we’ve developed for our stand-alone game shows and keeps each round nicely compartmentalized and easy for the audience to understand.
Games involve trivia, surveys, code-breaking, reflexes on the buzzer, and a few silly and fun surprises. Everyone in the audience has a chance to participate and lots of prizes are given out in each round – so there are a lot of winners!
Want details? Reach out to us directly by visiting the contact page – or reach out to Everything But the Mime who also represents us in the college market.