Movie Poster Photos To Go
Movie Poster Photos
Want to pump up a movie night or movie series on your campus?
Our custom movie poster photos (parodies) are just the ticket. Students will line up to get pictures and learn about the movies you have coming to campus at the same time. It’s a perfectly synergistic program with your movie nights.
The images below are just samples. We can create (or use your art) parody posters for any current movie.
Please note that we cannot use copyrighted posters because of copyright laws unless you obtain permission to do so.
Having a red carpet event? Movie Posters pictures are perfect.
Choose from our “ready to go” movie posters or have us use the latest, hottest movies. We can even use your own artwork!
College events are booked through Everything But the Mime. Or CONTACT US here.
More information at
A few samples
- 1 – 110v/20 amp electrical outlet
- 2 tables
- 2 chairs
- 10×10 minimum space. 10 x 15 preferred
Parody, however, is protected use.
Of course. We’re here to help. We just need to know at least 2 weeks in advance so we can have our graphics department work to get it just right.
If outdoors we also need to be under a tent or in a covered area that is out of direct sunlight and sheltered from wind and rain.