Photo T-Shirts To Go

Photo T-Shirts To Go


WPhoto T-Shirts for College Eventse can customize photos, logos or just about anything you want. We set up options in advance so production is quick and professional.

Add your company or school logo, school landmarks, mascots, slogan and/or event information – all included at no additional charge.

From Start to finish it only takes a couple of minutes for your guests to get a great photo t-shirt that will remind them of the fun they had at your event each and every time they wear it. And they will wear their shirts!

Fun Fotos To Go works hard to provide only the very best quaility and customer experience for your guests. We don’t want to come to your campus just once – we want the experience to be so great that we are the only name you think of in college novelty entertainment.

These T-Shirts are sure to be a hit at your next event.

  • 2 – 110v/20amp electrical outlets
  • 3 tables
  • 2 chairs
  • 10×15 space
  • Not in direct sunlight if possible
  • If outdoors must be protected from direct sunlight, wind and rain. Under a tent or covered area.
How Many Shirts Can You Make?

We can typically make 45-60 per hour. Depending on layout and other factors.

What Kind Of Shirts Do You Use?

100% Cotton T’s. White in color.

What Sizes Are Available?
We bring a full range of sizes from Adult Small to Adult XXL.

Children’s sizes can be provided if requested in advance.

Are You Booked By The Hour Or By The Piece?

All Fun Fotos To Go Events are booked by the hour. During the time we are there we make as many as is possible during the allotted time. Our goal is always 1 per minute.

Can We Hold Our Event Outside?
Yes you can. A small additional fee applies (risk to equipment and cleaning).

We should say that indoor events create more shirts at a more consistent quality.

Outdoor events assume all risk. Heat, humidity and wind can all cause problems and inconsistencies that can be avoided by having us in a climate controlled environment.

How Many Fun Fotos Staff Members Will Be Here?

All T-Shirt Events will include a photographer and an assistant to press the shirts.

Can We Include Custom Info?

Of course. The photographer will take a photo against a green screen and then we use your custom event background, Event logo or information then goes on top of the photo sandwiching the photo between the background and the event info overlay. Just like our green screen photos, but printed onto a shirt instead.